Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Take The Prevention Against Acne

There are certain ways following which you can easily get rid of the Acne formation. As the prevention is always better than cure, so in the same way if you include these simple tips in your daily life then you will surely never get the Acne near you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Animation Video:Explaining Acne Formation

This 3D Animation Video will take you on a tour to show Why and How the Acne Develops. This will clearly explain you the process of Acne Formation. At the end some available treatment options are shown as well. So, go through the video and solve all the acne related problems.

Let me know if this video adds to your knowledge or not? Your comments are always welcome.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Acne: Understanding it!

is one of the common skin conditions appearing at skin structures consisting of hair follicles or sebaceous follicles that includes the face, the upper part of the chest and the back including shoulders. Acne develops as a result of Blockages in this follicles by the formation of a plug of keratin and sebum, a naturally occurring oil. Sebaceous glands then got enlarged due to the increase in sebum production that occur with increased androgen production.

It mainly occurs during adolescence with a spread of over 85% of teenagers, and can continue into the adults as well. An increase in the secretion of sex hormones in the people of both genders during puberty, is the reason for its occurence during adolescence.

Some forms of acne are: (Related images are also given)

1. Acne vulgaris: This is the most common form of acne.

2. Acne rosacea.

3. Chloracne: Occur on the exposure to polyhalogenated compounds.

Characterization of acne: The above given forms can be characterized as

1. Noninflammatory follicular papules (comedones): This is further of two types

a. Open comedone (blackhead):
yellowish or blackish marks on the skin caused by the accumulation of excess oils in the sebaceous gland's duct.

b. Closed comedone (whitehead): direct result of skin pores becoming clogged with sebum where air is unable to reach due to which material is not oxidized, and remains white.

2. Inflammatory papules (pustules and nodules): It has a Reddish appearance and is more severe form.

I hope that you are now familiar with this problem and can deal with it the right way. Any comments and Queries are most welcome.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Acne Scars Scaring:Let Me Help

Prevention and Treatment

1. Prevention
(famous quote: Prevention is better than cure)

The best way of preventing or limiting the extent of scars is to get the acne treated as early as possible. The more you prevent or limit the inflammation, the more will be the chances to prevent the appearance of the scars.Any person with acne can have the scars, so its better to be under the treatment of a good Dermatologist.


If anyone got the scars left after acne its better to treat them as early as possible because the more you delay the worst will be the condition.
some of the present day solutions available are:

1.Chemical therapy

In this technique, a chemical solution is used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin, due to which the dead skin got removed and the new skin appears gradually. The regenerated skin is much smoother and less wrinkled than the older one.

2.Laser therapy

Lasers of various wavelength and intensity are used to restructure the scar tissue.The redness of skin around healed acne lesions are also removed. The type of laser used is determined by the type of skin, severity of the scar and other factors as well. This is also known as Fractional laser resurfacing. Hereby patients may have to take around 1 to 3 treatments for acne scar removal.


Currently this is the most effective Treatment available.Hereby a High-Speed Brush is rolled over the surface of the skin to remove the scars.It is a cosmetic medical procedure. Laser Dermabrasion is much easier to control, much easier to gauge, and is practically bloodless compared to Classic Dermabrasion.


A more advanced Technology whereby instead of high-speed brush we are using the Aluminum oxide crystals, passing through a vacuum tube to remove surface skin. This is more natural skin care and is less invasive Technology.The goal of this procedure is to eliminate the superficial layer of the skin (Epidermis).It is mostly used on scars that appear during puberty or many years later.

5.Collagen Injections.

Collagen is a normal biological protein of the body found in the connective tissues.It is injected under the skin to stretch and fill both the superficial and deep scars.This a part of the cosmetic surgery.

Click the video for going through the Laser acne scars removal process

Click the video for going through the Chemical acne scars removal process

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Acne Scarring: Defining The Problem

Acne scarring is the stage that occurs when the acne has subsided but they had left permanent scar marks at the places where they occurred earlier. But these scars should not be confused with the macules, which are the reddish marks left after the acne and vanishes in few days.
Proper prevention and treatment must be done for this scars.

1. Causes of scarring:

When acne occurs our tissues got inflammated and as the inflammation subsides, tissues are getting repaired. But in some cases they are not fully repaired leading to the scar marks.Some of these scar marks get disappeared within few months, but in some cases this may even take around two years or more.

2. Types of scars:

(1) Hypertrophic scarring:
This occurs due to the increased tissue formation (keloids).
These are smooth and are irregular in shape.see the images just below

(2) Atrophic scarring:

This occurs due to the loss of the tissues. This type of scarring is much more common.It can be further categorized as:

1. Soft scars, are soft to the touch.They are either circular or linear in shape.
see the image just below

Ice-pick scars mainly occur on the cheek area. They resemble the wounds from an ice-pick.see the image just below

3. Depressed fibrotic scars are larger in size and do have the sharp edges that are rough to touch.see the image just below

Learn to treat your Acne Scars from this video